Few things remind me of my dad growing up like Agua de Melon…ok, lots of things, but this is one close to my heart. Nobody could make agua de melon as good as my dad. He also made agua de sandia (watermelon) and his favorite one to talk about was agua de tomate (yea, tomato). But my favorite is still this one—Agua de Melon. It’s so simple, but so amazing.
Here’s the recipe:
Canary Melon
1/2 a melon, cut into cubes with the peel removed (any other type of melon also works)
juice of 4 or 5 limes (or two large lemons)
water (enough to fill the blender)
a shake of salt
Put all ingredients into blender and blend. Some people strain, but we never did. Once well blended, pour into a pitcher and add more water if you like it less thick. It is important, for maximum deliciousness, to make this on a hot day and put in the refrigerator until it gets very cold. Then pour a big glass and enjoy.